Who We AreThe mission statement of HopeSpring Church states:
We exist to connect people to the Real Hope Jesus offers through genuine community, growing in the Word, and giving of ourselves to make a difference in Real Life. HopeSpring was established in 1956 and our first building was built in 1965. Later, in 1996, we added our current auditorium, offices, and additional gathering spaces. Currently, we also own 30 acres on the Merrillville/Crown Point line so that, should we continue to grow and have the need, we can move our assembly there.
We extend a sincere invitation for you to come and see first hand who we are and what we’re about. We pray you’ll find loving people who will care about you and your journey. We pray our church is a place you can find... REAL HOPE for REAL LIFE. |
What We Believe
We believe that the Bible is God’s Word and the only true revelation of God’s character to man. As such, it is without error or contradiction and is absolute truth that every area of our lives can be built upon.
We believe that Jesus is who the Bible teaches He is: God in the flesh, the second part of the Holy Trinity, wholly man AND wholly God, and the only acceptable substitution for man’s due penalty of death for our sins. We believe that God offers us the free gift of salvation through Jesus’ death on the cross. We believe that when a person places their faith in Christ’s death to save them from their sins, acknowledges that sin before God, and repents (turns away) from the sin that separated them from God, that God hears their prayer, forgives their sins, and offers them eternal life with Him in a real place called heaven when this earthly life is over. For more information on our beliefs click here. |
HopeSpring Church is proud to partner with the SBC in it's mission and kingdom endeavors, both locally
and around the world. To find out more about the SBC or it's Cooperative Program you can click here.
and around the world. To find out more about the SBC or it's Cooperative Program you can click here.